Post 2

What are the top social media sites used in this class? 22/26 use snapchat, 15/26 use Instagram, 13/26 use Twitter, 19/ 26 use YouTube, 14/26 use Tik Tok

  1.  Could you live without your phone for an entire day or would you feel upset?

I can go very long periods of time without my phone if I have to and I’ll eventually forget I had one in the first place

2. Do you ever think your phone is a distraction?

My phone can be a distraction if I’m reading a book and there is an interesting twist in the plot that I want to keep reading through to its completion

3. Where is your phone right this very minute?

My phone is right next to my keyboard. 🙂

What do you use your phone for?  Is it a smartphone? (flip phones anyone?)

I use my phone for any and all entertainment media consumption

5.  How important are likes, views, and follows to you?

They are meaningless.

6.  What do your parents/guardians say about your “screen” time?

As far as I know, my dad doesn’t care.

7.  Could you take a break from your phone or social media?

I take breaks frequently to keep in ouch with reality

8.  Do you know all the people who are on your social media sites?

I don’t know everyone, but I definitely know most of the people who follow me.

9. Do you know people who show a fake reality all for the good of social media?

I don’t know anyone who blatanly lies on their social media. People tend to just post about the positive in their lives, but never lies.

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